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Friday, March 12, 2010

Vancouver vs. San Francisco

...completely not related to anything vaguely or distinctly topical to this blog:

So I checked the western seaboard's major cities for political hotness...this only comes up because of a stupid conversation over wine last night...but Vancouver and San Francisco have the West Coast's hottest mayors....Gregor Robertson from Vancouver and Gavin Newsom from San Francisco.  They're both young, yummy, and suckable, but which one is the cutest?  Do I sound like a 14-year-old girl when I say that?  Why did I even post about this today?


  1. I prefer the top guy in the pics,a bit more masculine.The other seems a bit dum looking.Its the

  2. To decide the cutest, I think they should have a makeout contest. I nominate myself to be judge.

  3. It might be the Scientology that's making Gavin dumb and dumber... I'd do Gregor any day!

  4. Gregor Robinson - definitely. Gavin Newsom has the IQ of a carrot. The inability to read without singing the alphabet song is a major turnoff.
