Slick Pages

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall in rubber

Fall is definitely here. It's been cool and rainy for a week or so and snow is predicted for the middle of next week. This time of year always signals the change from lots of outdoor activities to a lot more indoor ones...including rubber play.

Obviously little has been going on the past couple of weeks reflecting on the lack of posting new entries on the blog. I have been preoccupied with career change details, downloading music, and doting attention on the new know, priorities...;)

Saturday night was Black Saturday at Pumpjack. M and I dressed up in rubber - he in the Invincible catsuit and harness, me in latex jeans and top with Sam Brown belt. A few leathers guys were out, but that was about it...pathetic. We hopped from Pumpjack to Numbers to do some dancing then to the baths to chase down a top or two, but things went slightly awry. Long story short, I ended up at home at 6am with M showing up shortly afterwards without a lot of sexy stories to show for it. A bit of rubberplay Sunday morning did help out things, though...

Next weekend is Halloween. We are planning to attend a house party. Instead of spending big bucks to head to a club, we thought doing the intimate thing and going to a house party would be a much better option. There will be lots of friends at the party and hopefully some guests that we wouldn't normally see out on 'the scene'. The house party theme is military (yay!) so I'm planning to wear the pewter catsuit out again. If M doesn't want to go as SWAT commando (my Plan B...he wants to go as 'golden boy') I might have another costume option and I may wear that instead. We're trying to clamp down on expenses prior to the Chicago MIR trip so there won't be much money spent on getting a new Halloween costume ready.

It's hard to believe that MIR is only two weeks away. I talked to Rubberchris on Saturday morning. It sounds like everything is in place as far as us all meeting at O'Hare and taking the train downtown together. M is still not 100% sure he is going to go since the direct flights to Chicago aren't cheap and he's trying to save money.

I will try to post some more interesting stuff this week.

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