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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Men In Tights

It's common knowledge that American footballers such as Terrell Owens and (formerly) Jerry Rice love (or prefer, if you will) to wear lycra tights to practice sessions and under standard unifrom much more than standard-issue baggy shorts or what-have-you. T.O. has run into tiffs with previous coaches over his proclivities.

From BigLeagueScrew:
Terrell Owens showed up to training camp today and even managed to generate excitement without pissing anybody off. The newly obedient Terrell Owens wowed fans with his receiving skills… and his attire. Terrell decided that the shorts common among players in training camp were not for him. T.O. opted for an outfit comprised of tights only. The reality star was not fazed by his form-fitting clothes and gave interviews in the tights as well. I know it’s not that different than wearing a football uniform. However, I still find it excessive.

Really? Seriously? It's almost 2010 and we're still having issues with bulges in tight clothing? We'd rather expose kids to incessant imagery of violence but shield them from a bulge in someone's pants or speedo? Or attempt to culture healthy attitudes toward sexuality? What about all the Under Armour the fat kids and couch potatoes are wearing these days to pass themselves off as 'athletes'?

This culture is so seriously fucked up over masculinity, sexuality, and power, it gets more disturbing by the day.

For those of you that have ever worked out or done sports in tights, did you ever find the experience to be "too uncomfortable", "too hot", or "too restrictive" than wearing something baggy, damp, and shitty? These guys that hide behind these excuses (i.e., "what's up with that?") to make a particular point about another guy wearing them just because he finds them superior in comfort and performance are pathetic. What part of their threatened sexuality are they trying to compensate for the most?

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