Slick Pages

Friday, August 28, 2009


Man on man sex is a messy ordeal...fluids and assorted stuff strewn around the room. A night of hot sex usually requires a whole lot of laundry to be done the next day...or does it?

I've become a huge fan of playsheets. I've been borrowing a friends' PVC floor sheet and neoprene bed sheet for a few months now and I can only gush about how quickly it turns a regular room into veritable sex pit in which you no longer have to worry about what is being flung where.

As part of the Mr. Rubber Vancouver prize package, I won a $50 gift certificate from NastyPig which I used to buy a queen-size play sheet of my own (well, the gift certificate paid for the shipping...). I tested it out with a friend on Tuesday night and it worked marvellously. I don't think I'll ever be able to have rubbersex without it again! ;D

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