I can't believe how quick it was, but I picked up my Invincible order at the PO yesterday. I think they tried to contact me on Thursday last week but I wasn't home. I put in the order on May 21, so that only took two weeks from Nottingham! Is that even possible? Invincible certainly must've had what I ordered in stock.
The blue/yellow football shorts and v-neck top are cute! I will wear them at one of the events this weekend, not sure if I will wear to the VML party Friday night, or for the formal introductions at the contest on Saturday.
The neck entry black catsuit is fantastic. It is identical to my transparent one but in black. I actually wore it for four hours last night and could've stayed in it for longer; very comfortable.
So for the weekend, I think I'm going to wear my red wrestling suit on Friday night, the blue shorts/shirt for the formal intros, a thong and harness for the minimal round and most likely the Spexter suit for the fantasy round. I will tell you more about my ideas for that one when I get together with my 'helpers' and we get the whole scene figured out!
On a regrettable note, I found out this morning that there were no entrants for the Mr. Rubber Calgary contest last Friday so they cancelled the event. I guess I was really the only one in the city who was into public rubber wearing. Thank god I'm now in a city where there are at least a few more guys into it?!?!? Hopefully that impression of Vancouver holds true. I haven't seen a whole lot of evidence of that to date, but I did hear there were possibly at least two more contestants for Mr. Rubber Vancouver!
It's too bad that you aren't still in Calgary. We have a mutual friend who I would love to compete with...but he is shy.