Slick Pages

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Going Under...

...the radar, that is - for a few weeks anyways.

Rubbout 2009 in Vancouver was a fantastic time, so good in fact that I hit the plane back to Calgary on Sunday with chills and sweats and woke up with full-blown flu on Monday morning. Talk about overexertion! Work has been hell ever since but I'm recovering nicely today.

I have a detailed report about one-third written now and I hope to have that posted, if anything, in the next week or so. As for pictures, there will be tons on the Rubbout website eventually. I was so, um, busy over the weekend I hardly took any pictures at all. Meeting a whole new community of rubbermen that are soon to be my brethren was a full-time job and even then I only remember a handful of names at the moment.

I found a rockin' apartment while out there and I just found out yesterday that my move day has been moved up even two weeks further. I basically have two weeks to move the Ex and move myself. For complexities I won't explain here, I plan to be in Vancouver on May 2 now.

For that reason, I may not be as chatty on here as I normally am. I have a LOT of work to do in the next 14 days. I'm relieved in a way -- many people were talking about having farewell parties, while I just really wanted to quietly slip away from Calgary and start up fresh in Vancouver with no fanfare. With only two weeks to go, there will be little time for that anyways. I am on-call on top of that and have to work overtime at least one day this weekend.

So, I'm not gone, just on moving hiatus. Wish me luck. I'll post soon.

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