Slick Pages

Monday, October 20, 2008

Rubberstud(s) of the Week #25


  1. Nice, I shot that picture!

  2. Fantastic! I've seen other shots from that particular photoshoot -- weren't they used for retail? I'd love to get my paws on the originals....very hot shoot indeed!

  3. Ahhh the originals are in my posession. But be careful they are still Registered images at The Library of Congress Copyright office. I hold the copyright :)

  4. These were gallery shots from the Scarred Rubber site ( - I believe the company went out of business - at the very least they never answer emails or phone calls.

  5. I still own the copyright of the photographs :)

  6. They're one of the best series of rubbermen shots on the Net. And it's a good thing they were used for Scarred Rubber since that helped to immortalize them! LOL

    If you have issue with me posting these here, just let me know. I'm very sensitive to infringing copyright.
