Slick Pages

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ninging It

What's with all the guys taking their video/image Ning sites offline lately? Both DirtyRubberPig and LatexWorld have disappeared. From the looks of things, the owners just got tired of doing maintenance. I'm not really sure how much maintenance is required on these sites; if you're happy with the design and features, I would think the thing would largely take care of itself. There is the moderation and approval process that I'm not familiar with, and it's possible that these people simply just didn't have the time. But then I ask, "why do it in the first place?". Now I have lost videos -- not really sure which ones they were and whether I'll post them somewhere else. Best solution? Get your own server.

If Guyzingear or MaletoMaleBreathControl ever disappear, I might as well shut this blog down too!


  1. Dont you even think of doing that;(
    I love your site and blog.I practically read it practically every morning Reid.I understand what you mean though,it does make one wonder why anyone bothers nowadays.Why (indeed)do others start sites only to lose interest?
    yours (sadly if you do close)

  2. Oh D, I was being facetious, sort of. Admittedly a lot of content for this blog comes from those sites, so it would be sad if they ever shut down. I think RubberRebel enjoys maintaining Guyzingear more than anyone should (in addition to its incredible popularity) so those sites should be around for awhile yet -- unless the powers that be decide that sites like those (and mine) shouldn't be public domain. But I digress...

    I love doing this blog too much to give it up. It has evolved into something I never expected and I love having it as a forum to express my excitement, hesitation, joy and fear of what I'm doing and where it's going. It's become a lot larger monster than even my 'real life' blog and I appreciate that so many tune in occasionally to see what's going on!

    If the Ning sites ever were to disappear; I would certainly feel a need to continue carrying the rubber torch for all the kinky people in the world that are coming out, trying to get in touch with there innner fetish and trying to figure out how it all fits into their lives and their world.

    I think having personal accounts like mine are important to put the entire thing in perspective.

    What do you think?

  3. Hi reid,
    S'okay mate....I wasnt sure if you meant what you said,but felt i had to say something in reply.I'm very happy that you didnt mean it.
    Yes,I nejoy those other sites too,I miss them when they are not around anymore.I dont understand (fully) how they work?I've never set up a site and wouldnt know where to start.
    I'm not sure if I had the initiative to anyhow.
    As you must have wondered why I havent put any more pics on my profiles its mainly the cost.My priorities arent about wearing,going out in and being seen in latex at the moment.I have only recently got myself a new job,the apartment is redesigned and everything is up in the air(so to speak).Although i love the net and you site,with the extra weight I have around my middle(sigh) I dont see myself as particularly sexy.
    Your site HAS produced some things that have got my imagination going,my curiousity and my groin(lol).I like the fact that you share your thoughts,your friends and your lifestyle.
    special regards to you,
