Slick Pages

Friday, September 26, 2008


Our night out last night didn't quite turn out the way it was supposed to, but it ended up being a great time anyways!

The guys showed up at my place around 11:30 and quickly dressed. Kai wanted to wear my pewter catsuit so I had that ready for him to jump into when he got there.

We got to the Eagle shortly before midnight only to discover it was closed early. What to do now? The decision was made to go to Twisted Element. We got there and became the center of attention! It was a Thursday night afterall; there wasn't much else going on in this city anyways. It was 'amateur strip night' and the MC Diva wanted Kai in the competition, so off he went backstage. Gearcollector and I joked that we weren't sure how he was supposed to strip off a latex catsuit on stage, and he didn't but he put on a sexy display anyways! Suffised to say he didn't win but the prize wasn't anything worth spitting on anyways (tanning minutes? Please...).

We played around in the area in front of the bar for another hour or so, spanking, wrestling, answering people's questions, letting people touch the latex (!) before we headed back to my place. Gearcollector and Kai left. I let Kai borrow my STR catsuit for the rest of the evening and will pick it up from him on Sunday.
Despite it being a Thursday night in Calgary - it was a good time.

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