Another one of those common characteristics among rubbermen and lycramen? An affection for science fiction?
When I was young, I was an avid science fiction reader, and particular enjoyed Robert Heinlein's fiction. One of the books I recall (I think it was "Space Cadet" among the many, but I'm trying to verify that) had a chapter where the recruits for Space Patrol had to undergo vigorous physical and mental testing. In the physical tests, the third party narrator described the main character, Matt Dodson, in a full-body skinsuit to maximize freedom of movement during the tests. That is one of the earliest images I have of men in skintight clothing and was obviously a strong influence on me since I must have read the story around the age of nine or ten and I can still remember that reference today.
Here's an embarrasing confession, an early influence for me was an episode of the '70s sitcom "Lavern & Shirley." The two girls had a date so to lose weight fast, one wrapped herself in plastic wrap while the other wore a wet suit around the apartment. I was just a kid then but it triggered something in me. How's that for strange!