Slick Pages

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Here are some pics of what I envisioned as the main outfit for the rubber space fantasy I would like to produce. The premise would be a couple of stranded cargo-runners on a desert planet that have to search for supplies. The standard uniform on a desert planet would be white latex with rubber bladder helmet that would trap all moisture given off of the body for recycling. Very much a premise like Dune, just a heck of a lot more perverted.

I'd like to get or make an 'air supply backpack' prop to wear with this as well.

I also did a short video of the same.

Find more videos like this on Male To Male Breath Control


  1. I LOVE this,the mask(!)looks like it should be n a Luge man.Its wonderful Matthew!!DC

  2. I used to use condoms as the 'faceplate' of those luge helmets that fit so close to the head and face. It wouldn't be the first time that I envisioned myself as a luger in those rubber suits and condoms on the head!
