Slick Pages

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nothing, really

I've been out of town on business for most of the past week, so I've been less-than-proficient in posting to the blog.

I wore my STR suit out to Fetish Night at the Eagle a couple of weekends ago, and got lots of comments, people asking questions about rubber wear. One comment by a group of guys was about how long it takes to get into the suit.

"For this particular one, which is the tightest one I have, it takes about 20 minutes."
"How about taking it off?"
"In the shower, a minute."
"In the shower? What a great idea."
"Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. Run the water through the suit and it just slips off."
"Well, that suit is so tight, I just have this image of if it broke at any second, an 800lb. man would come flying out."

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to see you made a vid showing, without leaving any part out, how you get into that STR suit. Given that it takes 20 minutes, you can partition the process just like you have done in the past. That would be SUPER HOT HOT HOT! Can you do this for me? gearcollecter
