Slick Pages

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Private thoughts on public exposure

I'm a hypocrite of sorts -- I've always been a positive proponent of enjoying your fetishes and sexual proclivities to the maximum, and for some people this involves public display and exhibitionism. For those people, I have always said, "go for it!"

I'm one of those people who like to show off too, however with the reality of being involved in a bonafide fetish contest where I'm going to be judged on how I look, how I think and how I could represent a community, it has brought this mantra of mine in question. Do I dare expose who I really am in the possibility that my personal, professional, and sexual identities could clash?

This has happened to me in the past -- innocent online communications and blogging that has had bad unintended consequences. I thought I had learned lessons from these experiences; my personal perspective on this was that if I was going to show myself on display online, I was going to make sure it would remain low-key and set up so that there was no way my real life and my fetish life could ever cross.

...And then this contest came up. I think initially I was more excited than rational and decided to jump into the fray with both feet. Now I am having some internal struggles with this. I have been discussing this with a fellow rubberman who is going to compete in the contest alongside me, and I'd like to post our communications on this to date.

Good points, ****, and useful info.

It makes sense that they will want your face visible for the crowd for all three rounds. That definitely limits the outfit decisions. I was under the impression there was only going to be one Q&A round, but if there are three, then that's the way it is.

For it being Calgary's 'premiere' of this event, I would expect that they want it pretty tame. Unfortunately I showed up late for the Mr. Leather Calgary competition so I missed out on the format of most of that event.

I'm truly sorry about the identity thing -- I have been really trying to limit my exposure to having my personal, professional and sexual lives cross -- it's had very bad unintended consequences in the past that I'm trying to avoid this time around. I had promised myself that I would keep my fetish life humble and modest online, but now I've decided to compete in this contest, so who's actually learning the lessons here? To be honest, the name is the only thing I've misled you on -- the rest of what I've told you is true. I've only been trying to avoid connection of my real name with my online persona. I hope you can understand that.

I'm still sort of hesitant about competing, as it's going to blow my 'cover' wide out into the open. I keep thinking how people (and future potential employers) will Google my name and find that I competed in gay fetish contests and this could affect future possibilities for me. Looking at it in a positive way, I'm hoping that it might open some doors at the same time.

If I had my way we would have been able to compete with pseudonyms, and honestly I had no idea this competition was going to be part of something bigger when I handed in my application -- that it would end at this and nothing more. I only found out about the Priape deal with this contest this week. The winner gets the chance to go to a national competition, and who knows after that? I'm not sure whether that type of exposure is what I want at this moment in my life, but at the same time I'm yearning to do something spontaneous, exciting, and completely different in my life than what I've done to this point. This may or may not be the right thing to do, but it sure will be interesting and different!

I also think I'm putting too much emphasis on the ramifications of this. It's for fun and I plan to have fun with it! As for what happens afterwards, that's something I'm content to deal with when the time comes.

I'm not very fond of the minimal round either. I'm all about full coverage so I honestly don't have a lot of minimal wear to pick from. The smallest thing I have is a pair of hot shorts, so I guess that's what I'm going to have to wear. Maybe I'm prudish this way -- I don't really have any reason to display my bare ass at the bar to a bunch of strangers, but I should've been expecting something like this when I sent in my application and decided to do this in the first place.

Part of my mandate has been to open the possibilities of fetish to a crowd in a part of the country that aren't so open to public display and open celebration of this stuff, so in that way I'm happy to possibly play the role of an 'ambassador' of sorts. But at the same time, doing something that might damage my reputation in a community that respects me is a risk that needs to be contemplated. The jury's still out on that one -- I guess I have two weeks to decide!

I'm glad that you're making the trip for this one, Doug. It makes me feel a little less nervous knowing someone that is going to go through the event with the same emotional tension as I will be!

Talk to you soon

--- **** wrote:


Re: the rounds - if its the same as the Mr Calgary Leather competition we will be called up one at a time, be introduced, walk out onto the stage and show the outfit then stand there as they ask questions. Then you go to the side of the stage while the next guy is introduced.

Re; What to wear - I've changed my mind about a dozen times on that one. Second round is minimal rubber (I HATE that) it will be a rubber jock and boots. Third round will be latex jeans and shirt. First round I still havnt decided - to my thinking it should be a full outfit of some sort. What ever you feel you look best in. (Makes me realize I really dont have much for full outfits - just parts
- so I have to see what I can dig up yet - first one I can complete will be it) I was planning on having a mask on my belt but not wearing it as they will want to see your face and you have to be able to be heard when you are asked questions.

Re: Name - ok I'm a bit hurt at that one - how would you feel if someone you considered a friend came out and told you they had lied to you from the beginning?

Anyway - thats where it stands - let me know what your thoughts are on this - hopefully they are going to do it like they said. If they decide to do a fantasy portion like they do at MIR at the last min I'm out of there.


It seems tensions are running high -- maybe it's all in my head. I really wish we didn't live in a part of the world where this type of exposure was an issue, but unfortunately that is the reality of my reality. I have a pretty influential position in my career. I'm pretty disaffected with what I'm doing so in some way I didn't really let my decisions to enter this contest bother me. I am so fed up with the puritanical thinking of this part of the world; I feel that I must do something to shake things up, make people think about possibilities themselves. Unfortunately I think I might be shooting myself in the foot while attempting to do something I feel is a good thing. Things that originally were meant all in fun are now getting a lot more serious.

Yes, I do realize it's only a freaking fetish contest; but because it is only a contest, do I really need to do this as if I have something to prove? Some community that I need to promote or something to save? I probably have a lot more to lose potentially than to gain by going ahead with this. There's a possibility that if I did actually win this competition, I'm not sure I'd be able to fulfill the next steps anyways. I could see competing in Montreal (actually, that would be a welcoming treat), but what of the next steps? What would be the consequences of the exposure of being in a continentally distributed gay and fetish catalog? Being the model on piles of promotional material? I had always fantastized about something like this happening; I never for a second ever thought that it could come true. I'm elated and freaked out about this at the same time.

I sort of feel that an opportunity has been presented to me to pursue. Like I've said, I've been yearning to do something different and completely against what I've done in the past for awhile now, and this certainly meets those criteria. I've been moving pretty aimlessly through my life for the past few years -- what better than the elusive pseudo-career in fetish modelling to shake things up?

Stubbornly, because I think if I don't do this I'll be missing a rare opportunity to be involved in something personally rare and beautiful, I have to accept the challenge. But I might need a reality check...

I'd like to hear some thoughts on this...whether my rationalizing of this is complete, whether my actions are just in face of the potential risks, and/or whether I'm simply playing too much into this, and I shouldn't worry and just have fun, as I originally intended.


  1. I don't know; maybe I've been hiding so long that I never really got the experience of being burned by exposure... but now that my face has shown up in some of the MAL 2008 photos, I find that I just don't care anymore. Big, sweet, hairy deal... who really cares?

    This probably isn't feasible for everyone, but at this point I've given up on trying to be a nice person (read: "prude") in everyday life and hide who I am otherwise. A coworker even knows a little bit of it at this point, in an odd roundabout sort of way. Well, not everything, but he does know a friend of mine who knows the whole story. We're simply all adults here and not ashamed of the real world.

    Okay, I'm rambling now and not really helping, so I better stop here or I'll start humming "I am What I Am" to myself.

  2. My friend is very wise:

    You made some great points again, ****. You are right -- it is better to simply have it out in the open rather than have someone find out and spread rumors. Same with my fetish blog, etc. If someone found pics of me on there and started to come to conclusions, you could at least stop any rumors before they get started. "Hey, didn't you know I also compete in fetish contests?" -- you'd be legitimizing it, not showing any shame. Great stuff!

    There is an article in this month's GayCalgary mag about the contest, being run in tandem with the Priape Model Search. That event's contest is going to be at Twisted Element on Friday, the Rubber contest at the Eagle on Saturday. I've copied the article to my blog if you want to look at it.

    Anyways, yeah - being open about your identity online is your decision and I would assume that the fact you are self-employed plays into that decision as well. I am a corporate shill (at least for now) and for the most part have to keep my nose pretty clean. But I'm hoping that that will change, and soon.

    I'm hoping to have a meeting with *** this week and ask him a whole barrage of questions, so I will fill you in with whatever I find out when I find out.


    --- ********** wrote:

    Hi again:

    I dont know if they will have questions on one round or all three - he just said like the Mr Calagry Leather competition. And I was so busy taking pictures at that one I didnt pay that much attention to the format. What I do remember is I thought some of the questions were REALLY stupid. Hope that isnt so with this. I hate making a fool of myself infront of everyone and I'm not a public speaker.

    I dont know what your circumstances are and I do realize they can be difficult. But you also have to understand that I try to be honest with everyone I deal with and it hurts when someone doesnt trust me enough to give the the same courtesy. I've always
    taken the approach that I try to be straight with everyone and they take me as I am or they dont have
    to be around me. That being said I do understand it can be a real problem in some places of employment. I'm self employed so it doesnt enter into it. All I
    can say in that respect is be true to yourself - not what someone else wants you to be. Do your best to balance both worlds. You also have to think of it this way - what would be worse - people to know you do this and dont try to hide it or hide it and someone find out by accident and start spreading rumors. At least this way they find out the actual truth on your terms. Not a bunch of made up half truths.

    A friend in New York State had that happen to him. He tried to keep it separate but one of his nosy co-workers found out and started spreading all sorts of rumors. They even had him sleeping with young boys. He had a hell of a time convincing people it wasnt true simply because no one knew so there was no one that could back him up. They all took the attitude if he's hiding it anything is possible.

    I didnt realize there was a deal on further contests. I know with Mr Calgary Leather you have the option of them partially sponsoring you for the Mr International Leather Contest and helping with fundraising for it but I didnt know if they would do
    that for this too. But that is optional. I wouldnt mind going to MIR titled as a spectator but there is NO way that I would compete. In which case, even if
    I win, if I go its on my dime. (Without a title I wouldnt even consider going. It would be a case of being on the outside looking in and that would be
    way too hard). After the fiasco of a vacation last year I have no wish to do that to myself again.

    I believe there are some prizes for the winner and participants as well but, honestly, I've never
    really thought to ask Jim about it and I dont really care. Thats not what I'm doing this for.

    Re: the minimal round - I do agree - Rubber is about being covered - whats that have to do with minimal? Besides - what do you have to worry about - you have
    a hell of a lot better looking body than I do - lol.
    Maybe if I show my ass and legs they wont look at the extra around the middle.

    The way I look at it we are showing that people shouldnt be ashamed of it and try to hide it. Latex is just a material like any other. In Europe wearing it is a fasion statement - why not here.

    As far as tension. I'm scared shitless. I hate being on stage and have a real fear of making
    speeches. I'm doing this because I really believe in it and want to see it off to a good start. How
    else can you get people to accept it if you dont show it.

    No matter who wins it is going to be a trial for all of us but, hopefully it will make others realize that its acceptable and then we wont be so alone.
    It would really be nice to find a group that we could go with occasionally for events like they do in alot of places in the States. I guess Master Barry had the best advice - just do it for yourself and have fun with it. We'll deal with the rest later. If you win I'll still be around to back you up on anything that I can.


  3. Hey - I don't know if this would be bending the rules, but what about wearing a Greyland Realface mask? Just add a leather or rubber collar to keep everything in place - after all, there could be multiple folks in Calgary that could have the same name ... just a thought ...


  4. Here's the latest take on things.

    Yeah, there's a risk the association to a fetish culture might negatively affect me SOMEHOW down the road, but fundamentally it is something that I strongly identify with and it is most likely not something that is going to disappear anytime soon. In my own head, I always hope that someone will take the lead in exposing the fetish community more, so it might as well be me as much as anyone else. I think the point that most hit home for me was that as long as I'm open and unabashed about it, then no one can come along later, expose my hidden secret, and start horrible rumours. If it's already out in the open, there's nothing that can be started, right? As much as I'd like to keep a 'squeaky clean' professional image, when it comes down to it, in this internet age, I think most people have enough dirt floating around on the internet about them to implicate them in anything, really. As long as I'm up front about it, no one can turn it negatively against me.

    When it boils down to it, I'm doing it because it's fun, naughty and sexy, and if someone is going to judge me for that, well, it probably provides me a natural filter for things I'd probably not be that interested in getting involved in anyways.

    If this were Toronto or Montreal (or ANYWHERE in Europe), I wouldn't even be having this conversation or concern. If it does become an issue here, well, all the more reason for me to move somewhere more accepting! Like I said on the blog, I think my Western Canadian puritan sensibilities are having their way with my head in this case and I'm blowing a lot of my concerns way out of proportion.

    That's my take on it.

    As for the bf - he hasn't really been very opinionated on the topic, but he has agreed to be my wardrobe assistant on the night of the contest, so can that be so bad? He'd do anything for me...I've explained to him many times that I don't have the urge to do this to be picked up or anything like that -- I'm simply a rubber exhibitionist and will take any opportunity I can to wear it in public. I think he understands that and that at the end of the day, I will always come home to him.

  5. Matt buddy:

    Go with whatever your heart tells you yo do, and not your head.

    I remember last year when you and I had a chat. And you told me, how you would love to do a modelling session, or some professional photos of you in some rubber gear. Even to do some sort of professional video suited up in rubber gear. And how many times did I say the same exact thing to you.

    Even Matt, if you even go back and review your photos, and your videos you have made. Look at how you stand, pose, and flex in the videos, or the pics, in the rubber gear. You see how proud, how you love being in that rubber gear. How you take wearing the rubber gear, to higher levels then so many people do. One really sees this when you slow your videos down. And you see the sweat, pouring off of youur body. And how you really flex, and pose, when in it. You can see how much you love to be in it. Where you look, as if you are made of rubber inside and out. And do you ever!

    Reread in your blog buddy, what you say about being in rubber gear. How much you love to be in some sort of rubber gear. That you almost feel, many times when you are in it, that you do.

    Look at all the rubber gear, and accessories that you do have. Especially all the different colors of rubber gear you do have. Not just the black, everyone wears. And think about why you have chosen to wear the different colors of rubber gear.
    Or like to take the photos or videos of you in the colored gear as well.

    And last point to ponder buddy, you went and filled out the application to enter this contest, and submitted it. You want to do this compeittion, deep down inside of you.

    For if you do not do this competition, the videos, the photos, and this rubber blog will continue. You being in the rubber gear, will continue. Your thoughts and dreams to want to be in a professional rubber video, or have some professional photos,
    will continue to grow even more and more.

    Also like to add this point, as to your love for rubber, and being in it. You have a yahoo 360 profile, and a flckr acoount with 110 photos on it. Finally you have a blog page, where anyone can see your photos, videos, or read about your love for rubber and your gear. Your love for rubber is already out there Matt for anyone to see. No telling who at your job,or people you know, have seen them already. And yet, you still have your job.

    For everyone out there Matt, has a fetish of one kind or another. There is something out there that gets every person out there excited. But way too many people are afraid to open the door, and admit they do.

    However, you just type in the word fetish for a search on you tube. As of today, there are 123,000 fetish videos, on you tube. You see numbers like 113,958, 184,432, 162,360, and 246,997, etc. This is the amount of people so far, that have seen these videos! And the numbers of how many people go to these videos are just staggering!

    And one last thought to think about buddy...Look at how many guys on guyz in gear or gear fetish, who are professionals, and have very good jobs. And open up about their fetishes. The amount of pics or videos out there out there of them in the gear. And no one is fired from their jobs, becasue they have.

    So think about what I shared with
    you Matt. Then listen to what your heart tells you to do, and not your head.

    Hope what I said to you, will help you Matt. I sure do buddy !

