Slick Pages

Saturday, March 8, 2008


I've been letting a few local rubbermen know about my intentions to organize a Rubber Night at the Calgary Eagle sometime in May or June (post-IML or pre-Pride). As it turns out, I found out through the grapevine that Priape is actually hosting a Mr. Calgary Rubber on April 5th! I found out that Mr. International Rubber, Brian Turgeon is supposed to be coming to Calgary from Montreal for it.

Here's a response from the manager of the Calgary Priape:
Your email was forwarded to me by the Calgary Eagle.

The contest is at the Eagle on Saturday April 5th. appx 10 pm. It is sponsored by Priape and hosted by the Eagle.

There are a few glitches with the online form for those who wish to enter. So if you know anyone who would like to enter have them call me at the store, 215-1800 or email me at

I know that there is allot of prizes being offered by Polymorphe and Priape.

There is no cover for the event.

Its a first for Priape to host such and event, currently the International Mr. Rubber is from Montreal, we had hoped to bring him out for the event, but he may have a conflicting event.

We look forward to seeing you and your friends there. All polished up and making the night shine.

Manager, Priape Calgary


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