Slick Pages

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Well, I handed in my application at Priape last night. I was sort of freaking out about it afterwards -- I'm not sure if I want the attention that winning a title might attract, but at the same time I've been thinking also about the possibilities something like this might open up for me. I've been trying to figure out a new path for my life; maybe something like this will expose options to me that previously didn't exist.

I think I overdid my application form -- it was very wordy, but as I said to J at Priape last night, I wanted to be thoughtful and honest. Latex has had a profound impact on my life and I don't want to understate that.

After thinking about everyone's comments on my What to Wear? post, I've decided that I might go full regalia for the formal wear part -- pewter suit, guns, belts, bags, gas mask, the whole thing -- I mean, why not? What do I have to lose by going as the fully-dressed rubber soldier? I hope I'm not the only one wear a gas mask, but even if I am.....

The issue I have is with the minimal wear. Other than the hot shorts, I don't have anything 'minimal'. I'm all about the coverage! I asked at Priape if they had any shorts/thongs/jockstraps with any white in them since I had been thinking of maybe implementing the new white Steel boots that showed up yesterday (more on that later) into the costume. I don't think this is going to work, however. I may go with Patrick's advice and stay anonymous until the presentation round -- it will build up the suspense for those people in the crowd that don't know me. I may lose points on the minimal wear round, but hopefully I'll make up for it in the other two!

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