Since I wrote the blog entry about negotiating a long-term relationship between a fetishist and a vanilla partner, I've received a lot of feedback from other rubbermen on the topic. As I thought, it appears every relationship gets to the point where a dialog on boundaries and expectations is mandatory. Everyone I talked to is currently in, or has gone through, a period of turmoil in their relationships due to their budding, expanding fetishism gaining increased 'priority' in their lives as an individual and as a partner in a relationship.
I must say that I fall into this boat too. When I first started dating my partner eight years ago, I was pretty heavy into lycra fetishism, but really hadn't delved into latex at all yet. At the time he was also a lycra 'appreciator' -- not to say he wore it often, but had in the past and repeatedly said how much he liked the look on men.
Fast forward eight years later and I'm a rubber freak - four catsuits going on five, lots of other clothing, accessories, vac-bed, hoods, three gas masks, plugs for every orifice, you name it...meanwhile the husband is basically hasn't changed a whole lot and expects similar things from our lovelife as we have had all these years together...tried and true, safe, and sane.
This has all brought new dynamics into our lives -- and an honest dialog about everything is still forthcoming. We manage to get topical discussions in from time to time, but no holistic overview of both of our perspectives and desires on things yet. I'm not sure what the fetishism is evolving into for me so it's hard to communicate that to a partner when you're not even sure yourself what the 'next thing' might be.
I think the key is to try to keep a partner as involved as you possibly can and discuss the 'terms and conditions' as a team rather than set your own pervy rulebook and expect your partner to accept it all without question.
It's frustrating to see latex or leather couples together and think, "they're so lucky -- they must not have to deal with all this negotiation crap", however like any other couple I'm sure they have had similar discussions -- this isn't something that is limited to a kinky/vanilla relationship dynamic. Even two rubberpigs would have different expectations and boundaries they'd be prepared to define within their relationship. If there's anything I've learned in the fetish world it's that everyone is, at a minimum, different in their preferences and expectations. We all stumble across other fetishists online whose tastes and kink are very similar to ours and typically I find this extremely hot and intriguing -- but that's a story for another day (are having similar kink tastes and lifestyles enough to hold two people in a LTR together?).
There are many aspects of a relationship that need to be negotiated and balanced in that you are still dealing with two individuals who may have very different ways of approaching and dealing with relationships anyways. A gay relationship would have different things to negotiate than a straight relationship and has advantages and disadvantages in this respect.
Yeah, the conversations can get strange and uncomfortable sometimes. I 'assume' by my partner's reactions (or lack of reactions?) that he thinks I'm a freak and doesn't want to participate in some of the activities I experiment in because they're too over the top for him. These feelings of depravity/guilt make me get defensive to the point where I end up preferring to play by myself rather than bring any fetish stuff into our mutual sex lives. Consequently the 'normal' sex suffers because I find vanilla, sort of...vanilla. Let's just say right now I'm having a lot more solo rubbersex than I'm having with another human being.
For example, there have been instances where I'm completely rubberized head-to-toe and he fucks me (my interpretation: obligingly), but he has no desire to get into the play scene at all -- doesn't spend the time on a lot of foreplay or dressing up (although, in his defense, foreplay is a tad difficult with a gas mask on). I don't think he really understands what 'play' is and being vanilla, he doesn't really see any need or purpose behind it.
Despite admittedly not having a lot of conversations about this, I haven't really seen a lot of signals from him that he wants to get into more complex play situations...he's really not that imaginative or inspired, I guess.
He says that my interpretations of his reactions are wrong, but then he doesn't really initiate anything when I'm getting frisky in rubber. I think in our particular case he is getting a little overwhelmed by it all but doesn't want to say anything. It also doesn't help that our down-time schedules do not cross as often as desired, so I find myself playing in rubber by myself even more, which is evolving into something of a lonely, frustrating venture. Not surprisingly, now I have the increasing desire to play with others that would be fully appreciative of the scene, and playing at times when it is convenient for all participants.
I don't think he understands that to me, if the scene isn't arousing for both of us, I'd rather not do it together at all.
To be fair, some fetish play is very much an individual venture by nature. Case in point: the vac-bed. He (obligingly) zips me in and monitors things, but to have him initiate a massage or get involved in some other fashion? It's something I have to instruct him to do, not something that he would do instinctively. And heaven forbid if I could ever get him into it. He sees the vac-bed as being a very solo endeavor that is very boring for the monitor. I find it very frustrating and as a result, the vac-bed has been in storage for some period of time now. I have to figure out better ways to get him interested. I would like to get him into some rubber just to show him how erotic two warm latex-clad bodies rubbing and grinding against each other is. My plan is to start getting him to tie me up as a rubber prisoner, something that will force him to get involved in the play scene. In addition, I plan to get him to help me create more videos outdoors this spring and summer.
*sigh* But fundamentally, he has stated that he can't stand the constriction of anything on his neck, etc. so to solve this, I'm going to get him a surfsuit or wrestling suit either in my new order or at IML. I fear that the mantra, "you're either born kinky or you aren't" rings more true in my head each day due to my experiences with my partner. It shouldn't be this much work to involve someone that claims they are 'into it'.
It's definitely a point of contention right now. We need to figure out how to make this work better than it has been so far.
And as it has been pointed out to me several times, I have to keep in mind that all these thoughts I'm having are specifically my thoughts. In order to get a full understanding of what he thinks about everything, we need to have those conversations. Otherwise I don't really see the relationship continuing as we continue to diverge further and further from each other.
So, of course, everyone who is going through with this asks everyone who seemingly has negotiated it successfully for advice and guidance. The answer always seems to be 'it's a continual work in progress' or 'I'm not even close to figuring it out yet'.
Damn! So if I ever figure it all out, I'll develop a 12-step program, write a book and get rich! LOL
It may be beneficial to notice that there are two issues at stake here. One is playing in rubber and the other is playing with others.
I see two scenarios:
1) If you could get your partner interested in rubber, you would be happy to play with him only. However, if you cannot get your partner interested in rubber, you would like to satisfy your rubber urges with others.
2) You would like to get your partner interested in rubber, but irrespective of whether you succeed or not, you would like to play with others, too.
I do not think that one can get anybody interested in a fetish. Either the person has the predilection in the first place or he does not. If this is true, then your only issue is in fact playing with others. You see, if your partner would happily let you play with others, he probably would not mind if you played with others in rubber. On the other hand, if he does not let you play with others, then you are stuck with solo rubber play.
Jon - did I blab on and on, and that's all there really was there for substance? Crap - I really gotta start getting to the point sooner.
Anyhow - I think you're right in consideration of my own dilemma. I think my partner pays me lip service because he really loves me, but things are really starting to get dire. I'm really hesitant to bring things up too because I think I already know what the answer would be, and I know how much it would hurt and embarrass him to think that he wasn't enough for me. It's a really sucky situation that I'm not very happy to be going through, but I can't deny my own drives, desires and happiness can I?
One can only play with oneself for so long...
For some, fetishism is just a side dish. For some, fetishism is an integral part of the main course. Merely this blog of yours is a testament to the fact that fetishism is too big a part of your sexuality to neglect.
When you discuss the matter with your partner - and you will, eventually - console him with the fact that your fetishism and his lack of fetishism is not something that either of you can control. He cannot just decide to become interested in rubber just as you cannot just decide to loose your interest in rubber.
If playing with others is out of the question, then there are not many options left. The thought of breaking up is terrifying. However, in my mind, not being able to realize one's main desires is even more terrifying a thought.
Keep us posted.
I can really sense the frustration that you have, and there isn't no easy answer for it seeing as you have been with him for so long, well beyond eternity for gay relationships.
Your fetishes and kinks is as much to do with your orientation as the fact that you are attracted to guys. Being in rubber or any other gear is a natural thing to you just as when you are with a guy. It's not a natural thing to your bf.
I've only been in one relationship, in which I was unhappy. Now I will not go out with someone where things are not mutual, to me it just won't work. I really don't want to suggest breaking up, but if it does come to that it's a chance for a fresh start, especially if you have these feelings and want to share your desires with someone. If anything you shouldn't have to feel trapped in something that is not making you happy.
There is the idea of opening a relationship but that is an even harder thing to do, especially for him I would think.
Thanks guys. I REALLY appreciate your input and thoughts based on your experiences and relation to how I'm feeling about everything. I have nothing more desirable in my life than to make this work with my boyfriend. There are many ways I can approach this with him and I plan to explore all avenues before taking another route.
Maybe try and getting him one of those heavy loose suits that arent skin tight like the rubber prison by studiogum
That's good idea. Something not so constricting, but providing a good introduction to latex. Thanks!
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